A Blast From The Past

Another depressingly mundane post. Click on the speech bubble to read all the upset comments or go back with the undo icon.


What's been happening?

Christmas is fast approaching and as usual I'm not all that excited about it. Every year Christmas appears to be more and more just an excuse to buy stuff. I'm not as anti-materialistic as I used to be but there's something frenzied about Christmas, people just buying stuff because they have to give something as a gift. It weirds me out.

It doesn't help that I keep doomscrolling. In by defense I'm not looking for this stuff: Russia and Ukraine, Evergrande defaulting, the US falling apart at the seams.

A part of me knows this is a mixture of a newsfeed algorithm and editorial review that's trying to get people to click headline links. Maybe I'm also subconsciously gravitating to this disaster porn. Every time I consider closing my eyes and not reading the news anymore, I can't help but think that I'm burying my head in the sand and I'm becoming part of the apathy problem our society is facing. What can a single stone do when it notices it's become a part of a landslide?

Personally I've tried to keep myself busy with other stuff completely. I've been reading a fairly fascinating and fun book on logic puzzles by Jason Rosenhouse called Games for Your Mind. I'm still getting started with it but it's been a very cool book to read and has given my mind the ability to focus on something challenging and different. What I really like about puzzles and riddles is that they are man-made and have a solution. I spent a long time pondering over these vague problems about the meaning of life and what it means to be happy and it seems that no amount of thinking will ever get you to an answer. You can trick yourself into thinking the answer to the meaning of life is something like accepting Jesus or achieving enlightenment, but once you start to pick at it your newly found answer, it starts to unravel. At least with logic problems there is a clear domain and the answer is going to be definitive.

I think logic can give answers, or at least appear to give them, to probelms that point to these life-affirming concepts like truth and happiness. But more importantly, I think that they are enjoyable to solve as they are. There doesn't need to be an ulterior motive. As Rosenhouse says about logic puzzles in the book: "The payoff for solving one, however, is the smile you wear on your face for the rest of the day."

If anything, that's been one of the things I've been focusing on more these last few years: finding problems to keep me entertained.

Take a look at how the post from
Monday 13th of December 2021
upset the world!

m4ra - 22.12.2021 18:32

Jamespab, you are a fucker.

Jamespab - 21.12.2021 23:03

С помощью грамотно подобранных средств можно уменьшить количество морщин, предотвратить их появление, что, несомненно, позволит выглядеть моложе своих лет - Омоложение организма имеет под собой научную основу и подтверждается научными исследованиями. [url=https://b-a-d.ru/rejuvenation/viglyadet_molodo.html]Возраст и здоровье зачастую определяется не количеством прожитых лет, а её внешним видом[/url] Наука всё глубже - и уже на уровне молекул и атомов - проникает в процессы, вызывающие старение. Сегодня известны многие факторы, которые помогают состариться нашим клеткам. А раз многое известно о том, как протекают эти процессы, то, часто, становится понятно и как на эти процессы можно повлиять. На сегодняшний день существуют сотни, если не тысячи, физиологически активных веществ, приём которых внутрь, способствует увеличению продолжительности жизни. Нужно особенно подчеркнуть, что среди множества средств, способствующих продлению жизни, именно применение БАДов и лекарственных препаратов способно дать наиболее ощутимый эффект!

m4ra - 18.12.2021 14:42

Ellie, you are confused. I do not need dick pills.

Ellie - 18.12.2021 12:57

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